Institutional Research
We collect and report data to support decision-making at the institution and to respond to government agencies, especially the Institutions of Higher Learning (IHL), and survey requests.
Institutional Research staff are located in
126 Magruder Street
Mailstop: 9712
Data Reports
This site contains public reports and other data tables about our students, faculty, staff, and institution. If you need specific analyses for your unit, then please send a detailed request to
A concise report of often requested information, compiled each fall and spring semester.
All degrees awarded for each semester
Various ways to count students enrolled at MSU
Profiles of students enrolled at MSU
Statistics about enrollment, faculty and employees
Number of faculty employed at MSU
Statistics about our freshmen profile
Five-year Profile of Scholarly Outcomes. Collection of data for each college and department
at the institution
Collection of spreadsheets with more
details for enrollment, degrees awarded, credit hours produced, and number of employees/faculty
Student credit hours produced each semester
MSU data submitted to our governing body
Dashboards and Data Visualization
Internal Interactive Reports
This page is visible only to those who have an MSU id.
Internal Reports (Coming Soon)Last Updated: November 8, 2024