Test Services is a scanning service of the Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness and is available to all Mississippi State University faculty. Scantron test forms, as well as the test scanning service, is available at no cost to faculty members or their department. Test Services administers Student Evaluation of Teaching during the fall and spring semesters. The Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness encourages all MSU faculty to take advantage of the scanning services provided by Test Services. Test forms can be picked up at the Test Services office. Instructions for submitting test forms for scanning are listed below.
Testing Services will begin using a new Scantron scanner and grading software that will go into use in Summer 2024. As our scanner has gotten older and more difficult to service, we have been looking into a suitable replacement and we believe we have found one that will improve the experience of instructions and make the process of uploading grades and evaluating exams easier.
The Scantron sheet currently in use will not change, nor will the process for bringing exams to be scanned. The main changes you as faculty will see is the reports and Excel file you receive from testing services. The Excel CSV file you receive will be able to be uploaded directly into Canvas with no edits. This should save you significant time in posting your grades especially if you are teaching large sections. Instructions for how to upload the file, as well as descriptions of the new reports are posted below as PDFs. Please be sure to review these before you give your first Scantron exam.
As we roll out this new scanner and software, please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or feedback you may have. Below is an FAQ that we will be expanding as we hear back from you and continue to improve this process. Please direct any questions or comments to coursesurveys@ir.msstate.edu or call 662-325-3920
FAQLast Updated: January 2, 2025